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nf-core chipseq

Running the nf-core pipeline

Let’s refer to the usage section of the pipeline’s docs

Using the nf-core launcher

  1. Open up the nf-core launch utility

  2. Select the rnaseq pipeline, dev for the version and click Launch

  3. Fill out the following command-line flags:

    • profile: utd_sysbio
    • input: samplesheet.csv
    • email: <netid>
    • read_length: 50
    • genome: hg19
  4. Create a file with the nf-params.json file it generates.

"input": "samplesheet.csv",
"read_length": 50,
"outdir": "ming-results",
"email": "<netid>",
"genome": "hg19"
  1. We’re going to need to create a samplesheet. Please refer to the usage section of the pipeline’s docs

The data has been predownloaded for you to the class scratch directory /scratch/applied-genomics/ under chipseq/ming/.

  1. Start screen which is a screen manager
Terminal window
login$ screen

Useful screen commands

Terminal window
# Start a new screen session:
# Start a new named screen session:
screen -S session_name
# Reattach to an open screen:
screen -r session_name
# Detach from inside a screen:
Ctrl + A, D
# Kill the current screen session:
Ctrl + A, K
  1. Launch the pipeline
Terminal window
nextflow run nf-core/chipseq -r dev -profile utd_sysbio -params-file nf-params.json

The pipeline should start up, and email you when it’s finished!

While we’re waiting let’s check out the shell script that would’ve ran all of that