ChIP-Seq Pre-lab
The original paper doesn’t list where the data is hosted.
Went on SRA Explorer and searched the papers title. Opened up the Accession number of one of the samples(SRR006786)
Found the study accession number(PRJNA113703) from that page.
Went to SRA Run Selector and searched the study accession number. Downloaded the Accession List:
The Metadata is also in the SraRunTable.txt
Preparing the samplesheet
This file contains Supplementary Table 1 which includes the list of datasets analyzed. (XLS 15 kb)
An example samplesheet is at
nextflow run nf-core/chipseq -r 2.0.0 -profile utd_ganymede -resume -params-file nf-params.json
Further Reading ChIPseq data from Mikkelsen ‘07 (|doi:10.1038/nature06008)