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Intro to Snakemake

GitHub Classroom Assignment

We’ll be going through the Snakemake Basics: An example workflow tutorial

Installing the Data

Terminal window
curl -L -o snakemake-tutorial-data.tar.gz
tar --wildcards -xf snakemake-tutorial-data.tar.gz --strip 1 "*/data"


To complete the assignment the following will be worth 2 points each:

  1. Generate A.bam - snakemake --cores 1 mapped_reads/A.bam
  2. Dry run of A.bam - snakemake -np mapped_reads/A.bam
  3. Using snakefmt to format the code - snakefmt --check
  4. Dry run of the entire workflow - snakemake -n
  5. Full workflow runs - snakemake --cores 2
  6. Bonus: Tests pass - pytest